Enhanced web integration

Albert Cervera i Areny 8 ago 2009

Much of the work we carry on at NaN involves integration. Integration means connecting different applications and technologies toghether making them fit smoothly so the value of integrated applications is higher that the sum of their individual values.

That's the case of jasper_reports module, but also of our OpenERP-Kettle project (which has received quite a lot of attention lately, so those interested pull latest changes!). But web technology is special because it allows easily integrating with hundreds of applications.

Our latest commit to Koo enhances web integration by storing cookies in web widgets in the view settings (just like column order or width in a tree view). This allows one of our customers the use of Salesforce integrated in OpenERP and there's no need to enter username and password each time they want to see a customer's information. As the information is stored on a per user basis on the server, users may move from one computer to another and still access only the information they're allowed to without the need of introducing their credentials each time.

They simply need to store the URL Salesforce provides for each customer and that's it. Of course, we plan to use OpenERP's CRM in the future but they can enjoy a good integration from the very beginning.
